This month an introduction to a fascinating new energy psychology method, Thought Field Therapy and also details of Yourcoaching's involvement with Train to Gain funding.
Introducing TFT
Having a quick self help technique to use when we are feeling tense and anxious about something, perhaps an impending exam or presentation, a difficult meeting or a public performance, can really make a difference for how we deal with that situation. TFT is such a technique and this month you can read about how beneficial it is and how it works.
Thought Field Therapy (TFT) is as a non-invasive treatment used to eliminate the cause of negative emotions. It was founded and developed by Doctor Roger Callahan, a clinical psychologist who began his discoveries with sensory-based observations of actual phenomena treating patients with anxieties and phobias.
The treatment works by tapping with the fingertips to stimulate certain meridian energy points in the body. This is done while the patient is ‘tuned in’ to their problem. The negative emotions giving rise to the particular issue lie in the disruption of the body’s energy system, so by tapping on the meridian points in a particular sequence, the energy is redirected.
Dr Callahan devised a menu of tapping sequences relevant to different emotional problems including anxiety, phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder and trauma.
The great thing about TFT is it can be used to help enhance performance and the rapid elimination of panic or high anxiety associated with high stress situations. Learning how to ‘self-tap’ is a superb tool for countering exam nerves, anxiety over public speaking and presentations, or sporting performance ‘block’.
TFT has been used to provide trauma relief in the USA, Mexico and Africa, helping people use techniques that do not require long term therapy. For more information visit
Step Into Your Personal Power – Workshop 18th October 2009 10am – 4pm
For those of you who want to claim your ‘self’ and realise your real potential in a realistic way, this is the workshop for you. Take a reality check, work on your strengths and build foundations for change and personal growth.
To sign up for this workshop at the Wellbeing Clinic, 6 London Road, Marlborough SN8 1PH call 01672 513583 or 01672 861565 or log on to Places are limited so booking is essential.
Wellbeing Clinic
In my capacity as in-house coach for the Wellbeing Clinic in Marlborough, on 11th September Jill Sudbury, proprietor of the Clinic, and I helped facilitate at a Mental Health and Wellbeing seminar at the Wiltshire Constabulary headquarters. The seminar aimed at raising awareness of mental health issues and the various types of help and resources available to support sufferers. The event was well attended, very informative and thought provoking with a stimulating program of talks and activities covering occupational health, counselling and complementary treatments. A very forward thinking and progressive event organised by Wendy at the Constabulary.
Train to Gain
Yourcoaching has been offering Train to Gain leadership and development programs for some time and this is such a valuable resource available to small businesses that we have given a little reminder of it here. Summer is a good time for businesses to review their progress and growth plans and take advantage of what is out there to help deal with issues and grow the business. You can also run through our Quick Business Diagnostic Tool.
A little more information on the Train to Gain grants available for businesses:
This Government funded project is aimed at businesses for leadership and management development to help businesses:
Boost efficiency
Increase performance and profits
Enhance staff motivation and confidence.
The funding available consists of a £500 grant and a further £500 on a match funding basis.
To be eligible the following criteria apply:
You employ between 5 and 249 full time equivalent staff
You will undertake a skills review to confirm your requirements
The program must be leadership and management related
The training must be paid for, started and your claim submitted within three months of your meeting with the adviser from Train to Gain
If you would like more information please just get in touch and we will help you access your
Train to Gain funding and tailor the right program for you.
We hope you enjoyed this month’s newsletter, please click here to send us your feedback.
About Me

- Isla Baliszewska
- The business bit: I have had 25 years experience in the IT sector encompassing equipment finance to computer recycling. The coaching bit: is about delivering business mentoring and personal performance coaching. My clients range from senior executives to the unemployed and I delight in working with them all to build excellence and promote growth. My specialisms are working with business leaders and entrepreneurs who want to grow their businesses and enjoy themselves in the process, and helping individuals to realise their full potential. I also work with young people to build confidence and life skills so they can grasp life's opportunities and make the right life choices.